Through our Laptops4learning.co.uk scheme we have been successfully getting sustainable, affordable tech to those in need. Recently we have been working with Community Group and rugby clubs to make tech they have collected safe and plug-and-play ready for use in education. Just this week we have returned 70 devices to the Blues Foundation, and 18 devices to Medway Rugby club, to go straight to schools to help the disadvantaged, and we continue our successful collaboration with Richmond Rugby.
Great work is happening, but the crisis of digital poverty remains a huge problem right across the UK, both within schools, as is now well known, and for disadvantaged families, adult learning, the elderly and the clinically vulnerable.
You can help – we are asking companies and organisations with surplus to requirement devices to get in touch. We are looking for PCs, monitors, laptops, tablets and iPads to help address this crisis. We provide secure data erasure to HMG Infosec 5 standard (Enhanced), with full certification by serial number in our suite of bespoke servers. For cases of particularly sensitive data, we can carry this out on site, or degauss HDDs/SSDs on site.
“Many of the UK's biggest businesses are planning to downsize their office estates, while outlining plans to continue remote working post-lockdown. But are environmental considerations a driver, as well as Covid-19?” @edie
Refurbishing tech for affordable reuse both helps address digital poverty and is a sustainable, environmentally friendly solution, saving precious natural resources, avoiding disposal, and extending product lifecycles. Help us address both these urgent issues -get in touch today to see how we can help you to help both the disadvantaged and the environment.