On #EndDigitalPovertyDay www.Laptops4Learning.co.uk joins with all who are working to this aim across the UK. Digital poverty is an increasing problem in a society where digital access has become a prerequisite to participation in so many basic parts of life - booking appointments, banking, communication, shopping, education and so much more. Digital poverty compounds and perpetuates disadvantage. Today, when a focus is being brought to bear on this issue, please consider what you can do to help end it.
The Laptops4Learning solution has already delivered 5,301 digital devices to help lift people out of digital poverty, supporting a wide demographic of need. If you have surplus tech after IT refresh or relocation, please consider using it for social good by becoming part of our solution and helping us reach many more people in need. Together we can make a real difference to people’s lives, and bring the goal of ending digital poverty within our grasp.
Please contact info@laptops4learning.co.uk if you're a charity or council seeking support for digital inclusion or a company who could consider donating legacy tech or making available current tech for purchase which has become redundant after IT refresh.
Our solution makes your surplus tech count, through sustainable re-use addressing digital poverty across a wide demographic of need.
info@Laptops4Learning.co.uk we look forward to hearing from you and your organisation.
Thank you.
Sue & L4L Team.